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  • Tips for Overcoming a Quarter-Life Crisis from an Orlando Therapist

    Many people experience a quarter-life crisis at some point in their lives. A large portion of the population experiencing this crisis may feel that something is missing out on them. At this stage, they might not know what direction to take and feel uncertain about where they belong. Life’s purpose may be questioned by some people.

    It is possible that you are suffering from a quarter life crisis when you question every decision you make and even feel unsettled to the point where it may start impacting your professional and personal life. Distractions and a lack of clear decision-making ability are among changes to be aware of. Having difficulty motivating yourself to reach your goals may make you feel like an outsider.

    Experiencing a quarter-life crisis is not easy specially going through it alone. Listed below are some tips that can help you overcome this crisis.

    Tip #1: Let go of “shoulds”

    “I should have this job” or “my friends all moved out, I should too”. Try switching “I should” to “I want”. Think about the things that are most important to you, and start visualizing and verbalizing them.

    Tip #2: Be open to some uncertainty.

    It’s understandable to feel unsure or even fearful during this time. Remind yourself that it is okay to not have everything figured out right now. By being kind and accepting towards yourself, it’s likely that you will not judge yourself as harshly. Give yourself a chance to embrace this time as an opportunity for growth, lessons, new experiences, and life transitions.

    Tip #3: Stop comparing yourself to others.

    If apps like Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat are making you feel inadequate, it might be time for a break from social media. It’s easy to feel like we are falling behind when we are comparing ourselves to someone’s highlight reel.

    Tip #4: Give something new a try.

    Test the waters. What’s something you always wanted to give a try, but never gave a chance? Think about potential hobbies, explore different career paths, ask people questions, and take everything one day at a time. This will help you identify what fulfills you and what doesn’t.

    Tip #5: Exercise patience as you figure out your passions.

    You may not have all the answers right now, and that’s okay. Try journaling to process this discomfort. Begin to ask yourself, what are the things that excite you? What are some activities or hobbies you have enjoyed in the past? Passion doesn’t need to be your main focus, but it can certainly encourage you to take risks beyond your known comfort zone.

    Tip #6: Consider getting professional help.

    It’s okay if you don’t know what’s going to happen next. You don’t need to have it all figured out on your own. Talking to a therapist, career counselor, or life coach can help. For many experiencing a quarter-life crisis, therapy can be instrumental in processing some of these worries, figuring out the next steps, and establishing specific goals.

    Remember you’re not alone on this journey. If you are interested in seeking therapeutic services, contact us for a free 15-minute phone consultation.

    by Silvana D’Antonio, LMSW, RCSWI

    Are You Going through a Quarter Life Crisis?

    If you or any loved ones feel like you are experiencing a quarter life crisis please contact us we would be happy to help.

    Ready To Start Therapy For Your Quarter Life Crisis in Orlando, Florida?

    The Mindful Practice located in Winter Park, FL is here to help you address and manage your symptoms. Our skilled therapists are here for you and offer both in-person and online therapy to help you confront your situation. Start living a meaningful life by following these steps:

    1. Contact us to schedule an appointment
    2. Be paired with one of our caring therapists
    3. Start living a meaningful life free of your symptoms

    Other Counseling Services At The Mindful Practice in Winter Park, FL

    Our Orlando therapists care about individuals being aware of their mental health and offer therapy for anxiety and depression to name a few. In addition to, bariatric surgery counselingtrauma therapy, and PTSD treatment. For additional support, we provide therapy for life transitionsgrief, and teens. At our Winter Park, FL-based therapy practice we utilize mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, and EMDR therapy. Aso if you are in Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, or somewhere in rural Florida we can with online therapy.