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  • 3 Reasons Why Men Should Try Therapy

    Over the course of hundreds of thousands of years. men have taken on a specific role in human development. Historical speaking, men have always been the ones to fight wars and build societies. If you think about it, it’s pretty hard to feel emotions while balancing atop giant skyscrapers and bloody battlefields.

    At this point in time, men have become hardwired to compartmentalize their feelings. Women also have feelings just like men, but men choose to store them away and deal with them later. As a result, most men are reluctant to go to therapy to express their feelings.

    The reality is, that it is for the very reasons I just stated that men can greatly benefit from therapy. Here are 3 reasons why men should at least give therapy a try:

    Recover Your Sense of Identity

    The concept of masculinity was strongly defined and accepted for many generations. Our media today conveys conflicting messages about what it means to be a man and the destructive nature of “toxic” masculinity. The fact that many men grew up in families where the father was either fully absent or emotionally absent makes them more likely to struggle with their own sense of identity. During therapy, men can define what it means to be a man in a healthy way.

    Improve Your Relationships

    Due to men’s difficulty communicating their feelings, their female partners often feel abandoned. Relationship problems can result from this.

    Through therapy, men can become a healthier version of themselves, one that is able to connect better with their partners.

    Deal with Grief and Pain

    Trauma, grief, and loss… thee are sadly part of life. These mental health challenges are very challenging for most people, especially men. By exploring their own emotional pain, men can heal and move forward.

    Some of these reasons may convince men to try therapy. If you’d like to explore treatment options, please get in touch with us.